Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Thing #15 - Wikis (part 1)

"Wiki, Wiki" in Hawaiian means quickly. A wiki allows you to work with others to write and organize information. Everyone can be both writer and editor. For your introduction to wikis watch the video from Common Craft below for a really simple explanation:

Wikipedia, the online open-community encyclopedia, is the largest and perhaps the most well known of these knowledge sharing tools. The use and popularity of wikis in businesses, libraries and in online communities is expanding rapidly. Did you know NJLA is now using a Wiki for their website?

Some of the benefits that make wikis so attractive are:
  • multiple people can add, edit or delete content

  • you can keep track of who is editing what

  • earlier versions of a page can be viewed and reinstated when needed

  • no technical background is needed
As the use of wikis has grown over the last few years, libraries all over the country have begun to use them to collaborate and to share knowledge. Among their applications: subject guide wikis, book review wikis, ALA conference wikis, and even library best practices wikis.

Take a look at some of these wikis:

Did you find anything useful? Did you find anything you didn't like?

Next, visit Ocean County Library's article on Wikipedia. Most people never notice the Discussion and History tabs at the top of each Wikipedia article. They give you important clues on the article's accuracy and currency. Clicking on the Discussion tab in the OCL article, you'll read that Wikipedia made OCL give permission before we could repeat material from our website in the Wikipedia article. Wikipedia really hates copying from other websites without permission.

Click on the history tab on top of the OCL article to see a list of every change made to the article's words or images. Any guesses on what edits were from OCL staff? One staff member changed the description of Sparks from a pink dragon to a magenta dragon, then another staff member added a citation to prove the change correct!

Share some of your thoughts on wikis on your Web Challenge blog.

1 comment:

  1. NJLA Wiki was interesting. A great spot to find One Book NJ and Garden State Book awards
